After reviewing several of the readings on the subject of "Who Owns the e-Portfolio," I have come to learn that there are possibly) two camps of thought. The first is on the content of the e-portfolio. Does the content consist of what a teacher or professor wants his/ her students to place into the portfolio as a response to an assignment, or is the content derived from the authentic learning of the student? Some students may think, "It's my essay or my project in the portfolio; therefore, it is my portfolio." The problem arises with the second aspect of education and e-portfolios. The other aspect of the first camp is that if the domain where the portfolio is kept (Google Suite for example) is controlled by the organization, and the organization owns the portfolio. Access is then restricted to an individual once they leave the organization, never to be utilized again. Students may lose years of quality work that could be useful, even essential, to their future schooling and careers. The problem with student chosen domain providers is that many are blocked by school districts' firewalls on and off campus, limiting the students ability to truly have the choice and ownership they need to have authentic learning. The second camp circles its wagons around the idea of allowing the student choice, ownership, and voice to how the e portfolio is set up and allows the learner to figure out what is best for the presentation of material. This is what the ADL program guides us to do. It took me a while to get the idea of COVA down, and I believe the reflective nature of this course has allowed me to understand that even though I have a discussion post, paper, or other "assignment" to complete, I have the choice to build those responses in any manner I choose within the constraints given. Many of my classmates discuss the idea of learning what ownership is through the ADL program, and I would agree. I feel we must be agents of change in our schools and school districts, so students will have the opportunities to build ownership of their work and e-portfolios through their own authentic learning experiences.
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