The e Portfolio is the future. The days of folders, binders, buckets, and baskets have given way to the portability, creativity, individuality, and universality of the e- Portfolio. As a veteran teacher, people will tell you that I am a paper lover. I read the majority of my science fiction, biographies, and other literature from a book- I need to feel the paper in my hands and listen to the rustle of the pages as I turn them. Until three years ago, I would have been one of those people who walked into an interview with a hard copy of my resume. Although, I will admit that a former colleague of mine scored kudos at a recent job fair for having her resume hard copy because the representatives for the various companies could not connect to the network they were supposed to be using. I remember the days of folders and binders in high school and college, especially when the final grade was based on the reflection of the entire semester's work- especially in my creative writing, set design, costume and make- up design and play directing, classes. My public speaking classes in college required video- taped submissions on VHS which the professor would collect and return the next class. There were a few instances where the machine ate the tape, and work had to be redone with hours notice, though.
So, why use an e- portfolio? An e-Portfolio allows for choice, ownership, and voice in an authentic representation of the individual who created it. Whether a person uses Wordpress, Wix, Google Sites, Blogger or Webador, as I do, the use of the e- Portfolio, which is new to me, as allowed me to do some very basic things: 1) become more technologically saavy- although embedding material is still a challenge for me; 2) develop my creativity and allow myself to come through in the set up and layout; 3) feel a part of a greater community of learners and professionals; 4) meet new people and share new ideas. The choice, ownership, and voice afforded by the e-Portfolio is amazing to me. I can create and share with the freedom that traditional print media may never allow to happen. Yes, I could use Photoshop and other programs to create a vibrant hard copy portfolio, but the e- Portfolio allows me to post, edit, revise, and publish as I need to at a moment's notice without needing to reprint and rebind the entire document. My e-Portfolio allows for what I believe to be deeper communication within my learning communities, and gives me the ability to respond and contribute to an ever growing family of learners.
The e- Portfolio will help me grow as a professional as it is the conduit to the give and take that professional learning communities and professional communities recommend and sometimes require in their individual spheres. It will be the method through which I will establish my credibility as a learning and teaching professional. It is my hope that my e-Portfolio will help to inspire and guide others on their journey to become the academic coaches and mentors that today's students need. I have examined the e-Portfolios of those that have come before, and the examination has afforded me guidance and ideas to help me create my own. It has helped me with the choice of what I would like to do and definitely not do in developing the e-Portfolio. My portfolio can benefit me in the future by allowing me to see where I have come from and where I will be. It will be the repository of my work and thoughts, and the paradigm shifts in those works and thoughts as I work my way through the rest of my career into what comes after.
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